decide the method of Suspending, withdrawing, restoring or expanding, reducing the scope of certification
The Americo suspends certification in cases when,
The client’s certified management
system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements,
including requirements for the effectiveness of the management system,
The certified clients does not allow
surveillance or recertification audits to be conducted at the required
frequencies, or
The certified client has voluntarily
requested a suspension.
If clients does not follow the agreed
terms and conditions for certification services.
The key responsibility lies with
Director Certifications
When information is received from
either by customer or auditor regarding the suspension, Americo sends
the suspension of certification letter to the client for the period of
one month.
Issue a suspension letter to the
client. Stating reason, suspension period etc.
Under suspension the client’s
management system certification is temporarily invalid, the Americo have made
enforceable arrangements with its client to ensure that in case of suspension
the client refrains from further promotions of its certification. The AMERICO
has established a method for putting the information of suspension of
certificate on website to make publicly accessible the suspended status of the
certification and takes any other measures it deems appropriate.
If within the given period of time the
customer resolves the issue and asking for reassessment of the management
system for continuation of the certificate, the operations manger arranges the
assessment arrangement.
Failure to resolve the issues that have
resulted in the suspension in time established by the Americo maximum
period can be given four weeks only, result in withdrawal or reduction of the
scope of certification.
Communication of the same to stop the
use of same Certification Logo to all concerns.
Inform the client for not using the
certification status during the period of suspension
If the client does not respond within
the suspension period. The same information is put up in front of certification
committee. Upon approval of certification committee, the request is send to
Director Certifications for authorization to withdrawal of certificate.
Upon the withdrawal of the client the status of client on Americo website is
changed to withdrawn.
Withdrawn certificate is collected and
destroyed as per the procedure established in for control of records i.e. by
shredding/tearing to avoid the misuse of the certificate.
If client responds within the
suspension period with appropriate corrective action , the certification
committee restores the certification and status of americo website is
changed to Active.
Americo reduces the client’s scope of
certification to exclude that part not meeting the requirements, when the
client has persistently or seriously failed to meet the certification
requirements for those parts of the scope of certification. Any such reduction
is in line with requirements of the standard used for the certification.
In case of scope expansion requests
by client , AMERICO conducts a scope expansion audit and checks evidences
related to the same. If the audit is successful , the scope is expanded and
updated on
Americo has enforceable
arrangements with the certified client concerning conditions of withdrawal,
ensuring upon notice of withdrawal of certification that the client
discontinues its use of all advertising matter that contains any reference to a
certified status.
Upon request by any party, the
certification body correctly state the status of certification of a
client’s management system as being suspended, withdrawal or reduced.
On suspension of client, the status on website is changed to suspended for the client